Characteristics of an office desk

If you are looking for an office desk and don’t know what features to look out for, this will interest you. Learn about the ergonomic features of an office desk that contribute to comfort and healthy postures.

Characteristics of an office desk
1. Height-adjustable or fixed height desk
Here comes the first decision: height-adjustable or fixed height. The main advantage of height-adjustable desks is that they allow the work surface to be placed at the ideal height quickly and easily. These tables are especially useful when they can be occupied by people with different needs, such as a child and an adult.

The adjustment mechanism can be manual or electric. Although the electric ones are more comfortable, it is important to keep in mind that electrified tables contribute to generate unwanted electromagnetic fields.

Table height
Height adjustable table. Characteristics of an office desk
One advantage of adjustable tables is that footrests are no longer necessary. First, the height of the chair is adjusted to ensure stable foot support, and then the height of the desk.

Working at the right height, in addition to generating comfort, allows you to adopt healthy postures. Stable back and arm support, low and relaxed shoulders and arm flexion angle between 95 and 105º.

Proper posture at the office desk
Proper posture. Characteristics of an ergonomic office desk
If a fixed-height desk is chosen, it is recommended that the height of the support surface be 74 cm. However, people of above or below average height may vary this range by ± 2 cm.

2. Appropriate dimensions: depth and width
In order to promote visual comfort, the screen should be placed at a distance of 65 to 70 cm from the eye. For this reason, it is necessary to have a table of sufficient depth to allow the screen to be placed at the appropriate distance. A minimum depth of 80 cm is recommended.

Characteristics of an ergonomic office desk
Recommended distance from the screen. Characteristics of an ergonomic office desk
The desk must have enough space to place the necessary documents, equipment or materials. Therefore, a minimum width of 120 cm and a recommended width of 160 to 180 cm are recommended for an office desk.

3. Stable and obstacle-free structure
The structure of the table must be strong and stable to avoid vibrations or unwanted movements. It is important that the lower part of the surface is free of obstacles. If there are any obstacles (bars, trays), they should be placed outside the radius of action of the body.

Characteristics of an office desk
The lower part of the table should be free of obstacles. Characteristics of an office desk
Office desks with bars or structures under the surface can press on or come into contact with the legs, causing discomfort and affecting posture. In addition, repeated contact with electrostatically charged metal structures can cause an injury called semicircular lipoatrophy.

Characteristics of an office desk
Table with bars or structures that press on the thighs or collide with the armrests.
It can also happen that the armrests of the chair collide with the table structure. This situation prevents the person from approaching the table, and consequently conditions the body posture and puts our back at risk.

4. Light colors and matte appearance
In order to favor adequate contrasts that generate visual comfort, it is recommended that the work surface be light-colored: light wood, light gray, in general, soft colors that have a medium-high light reflection factor (40-70%). Both very dark and very light colors are not recommended.

To avoid possible glare or reflections, it is preferable that the surface has a matte finish. Glass or metal surfaces should be avoided.

5. Materials and shapes pleasant to the touch and contact
The materials used and the shapes and finishes of the table are a key element in ensuring comfort.

The surface should be pleasant to the touch and should not generate high thermal contrasts. Resting the arms on a cold surface, such as glass or metal, is not pleasant. Wooden surfaces are a good option.
Rounded edges or edges. Avoid sharp angles (90º) that may cause discomfort during support.
ESD features to dissipate electrostatic charges that may be generated.
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