Which matrimony site provides free chatting online?

Totally Free Matrimony & Dating site: 

JustDoChat.com is the totally Free Matrimony Website. JustDoChat.com provides Free Matrimony, Matchmaking & Matrimonial Services. Enjoy Worldwide Matrimony with Thrilling Online Chat & More.

It has following amazing Features:

. User can Register for Free.

. User send unlimited Friend Requests for Free

. User can connect only with the profiles user wants

. User can Edit his or her profile

. User can block any other user

. User can send unlimited messages to any number of users for Free

. User can upload his or pics, videos for Free

. User can delete his or her profile or account anytime

. User can do Voice Calling, Video Calling with connected users.

. User can do Live streaming.

. User can delete his profile Pics or videos anytime.

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