Difference between text summarizing tools and paraphrasing tools


In the modern world, when everyone is racing against time, you simply can’t lose this race by wasting your time by reading multiple report files and articles for your content.

The time you spend on reading the articles or research paper to use key points written in it in your paper or article, in that time, your competitor writes two more articles for his website.

What he simply does to save his time and effort from reading is, he uses the latest AI tools which help him to write and understand the topic in no time.

He uses multiple AI tools that are developed with the latest algorithms that understand the topic and then perform the action.

He uses paraphrasing tools to rewriting the article and text summarizer to understand the concept of the article or research paper.

Consider an example of a boss ask from his employees to write a report on the assigned topic so he can understand the topic before presenting.

The report shall be original. So, the next day employees come with their reports on the topic. All of them write a different report from each other and contains detailed notes.

Now he has just 10-15 minutes to understand and developed the idea of what is written in the reports and out of all which covers the exact points from the articles?

To avoid such a situation, one can simply use a paraphrasing tool that will rewrite the report in no seconds, and then use the summary maker tool to summarize the content, which will help him to understand the topic.

Due to finding similarities between both the tools, many writers consider that summarizing and paraphrasing tools perform a similar task, which is not the case. Both are very different tools used for different purposes.

This article will talk about the difference between paraphrasing tools and summarizing tools and how you can use these tools.

Summary and Paraphrasing

Summarization means explaining an idea of the author in short form.

Paraphrasing the content means explaining a detailed explanation of an idea in its way in your own words, using most of the information from the source without changing the meaning of the original text.

Paraphrasing the content

Paraphrasing the contentis not about changing words or rearranging sentences. Think about what the original author wants to say, and if possible, write a brand new sentence.

When the original author writes a key phrase well, use it as a short direct quote. The paraphrase shows the reader what you think of the source material or how it fits your work.

From an academic point of view, it is unacceptable to repeat the source for a long time and simply put the link at the end.

Summary of a content

Summing up well is an art. Note that your goal is to use the source material by connecting the ideas of the content with the overall ideas you convey.

The summary is the best way to understand and convince the reader that you understand what you are talking about.

When paraphrasing and summarizing, you must cite the source through text links and include complete references in the bibliography.

Key points to write a summary and paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is simply rewriting and rephrasing a text or speech in your own words, without changing its meaning and by not giving credits to the actual author.

Summarizing content means cutting down the actual length of a text to its bare essentials.

Writers can use both techniques to clarify and simplify complex information and ideas in an easier way. A writer can paraphrase and summarize the text by following the points.

To paraphrases a text

To summarizing a text or speech:

If you use any copyrighted material then seek permission from the actual author and then cite it appropriately.

What are summarizing and paraphrasing tools?

As it is mentioned above how using a summarizing and paraphrasing tool can you time and effort from writing the exact meaning of content.

These are AI tools that are developed with advanced algorithms to perform these tasks.

In the paraphrasing tool, the writer upload or copy-paste the text he wants to get paraphrased. After uploading, the writer then clicks on the paraphrasing button.

Then paraphrasing tool change the words with their synonym and sometimes restructure the sentences. These tools will highlight the words which they replace.  You can also use synonyms of these words manually.

In the summary generator tool, the writer uploads or copy-paste the text and then click on the icon to summarize the content.

This is an example of how this tool work.

This tool will pick the best lines written in the text and summarize the text according to it. It will give you the final result in bullets if you click on the bullet icon. Pursuing the above example

In this picture, you can see by clicking on show bullets and best lines give the final result in the desired form we ask for.

Difference between Summarizing tool and Paraphrasing tool

Both the terms paraphrasing tool and summarizing tool are related to each other and hence confuses the writer.

Paraphrasing tools and summarizing tools are essential techniques and methods to write an effective, accurate, and efficient text.

These tools are an absolute must to use when dealing with scientific concepts as they are difficult to understand.

Both summarizing and paraphrasing tools are allowed and accepted by the search engines and professors to use to write a text till they give credit to the source.

As you’re using some else’s idea, you have to mention the author and source in the end or cite the source to secure the plagiarism-free content.

Google will accept your content coming from the tools only when it is plagiarism-free and not copied from someone else work.

Paraphrasing tool

Summarizing tool

Which tool is better: Paraphrasing or Summarizing?

The answer to this question is depends on the context. The context of your text plays an important role.

As there are times when it is necessary to paraphrase the content but there are times when you need a summary of the content.

Thus it is all up to the discretion of the writer and depends on the context of the text.

Based on the context of the text, writers can choose which form of copying text he is using to integrating someone else’s ideas into his text.

Summary show and give a broad overview of the actual material in someone’s own words and they are shorter in length than the actual text length.

It is necessary to summarize when the following listed things require:

Online summary generator tools can make a short, precise summary without adding plagiarized content in the summary. These tools help to write a summary in no time.

There are many tools available online which can summarize the text by using their advanced technology systems. These tools are free to use.

On the other hand, Paraphrasing is rewriting and stating a passage in one’s own words. Paraphrasing itself means significantly changing words, phrases, and sentence structure. Paraphrasing doesn’t mean changing just a few sentences in the passage.

It is necessary to paraphrase a text when:

Doesn’t matter which tool you use for writing the text. As long as you mentioning the references and giving citations of the sources, your text will be plagiarized-free.


Paraphrasing is writing any particular text in your own words and paraphrasing tools are used to rewrite the text without spending time on research.

Summarizing is mentioning and highlighting only the main points from the text or article in your own words or you can use summarizing tool which will do this work for you while saving you time to do other tasks as well as give more accurate and efficient work.

The paraphrasing tool gives almost equal to or somewhat less than the original text and the summarizing tool gives 1/3rd from the actual length.

A paraphrasing tool is used to simplify the original work. A Summarizing tool is used to mention only the major points from the text without writing any kind of explanation about the matter.

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